The map below shows all the 200 floods occurred all over the World during the last decade.
Stop the animation clicking on the button and explore the map on your month and year of interest.
How many floods occurred?
How many hit your country?
The visualisation is based on figures provided by Dartmouth Flood Observatory and shows the constant occurring of floods all around the planet. Some countries are hit more than others though..
Read my previous post on the frequency of floods in Europe and how it is likely to rise in the future.
Get here the data used for the map, with additional information on the severity of the floods.
The figures cover the period 1990-2014.
Or read the Simon Rogers' tutorial on how to do a animated map using CartoDB and its new feature Torque.
10 years of floods: a fancy animated map. How many have hit your country?
This entry was posted on Thursday, 12 June 2014 and is filed under animated map,CartoDB,Dartmouth Flood Observatory,flood,floods,map,Simon Rogers. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can leave a response.