BCU team wins The Times' "Build The News"

My team and me won the "Crowd" category of the Times' "Build The News" event.

Our project is called "HS2: have a say" and it allows citizens to tweet to Parliamentarians their opinion about the HS2 project, showing how MPs voted in the recent "Preparation Bill" debate, held in the House of Parliament. 

The High Speed Rail (Preparation) Bill is a paving Bill to authorise further spending on preparation for the HS2 project. 

We created a map which shows how
Member of Parliaments voted during the 31th of October debate, by their constituencies. Clicking one of them will open a window, which shows information about the relative MP, how he/she voted and the political affiliation. 

A further click on "Tweet me" will open a Twitter window, with the MP twitter account already included and "HS2" hashtagged. 

For who doesn't know what HS2 is or hasn't bothered much to get news about its development, we aimed to develop a campaign with the most important information regarding this enormous £50 billion project. 

The first work - yet to be completed - is about the people behind the project. 

We visualised a sequence of directors faces, which once hovered by the users, provide information about their salaries, associations with other subjects involved in the project.

In this way we combine campaign journalism and curation, with a dash of investigative journalism. 

But all the project is still in a "working in progress". We aim to publish something based on it on Eastside soon.

At the event there were three other categories:
  •  Stretch - long form journalism
  •  Tactile - enhance readers experience
  •  Noise - making easier to find details in the Web information overload 
There is also a round-up of pictures shot at Build The News by the Times and Sunday Times news development team.

Or watch the video below shot and edited by French journalist Marion Urban.

The other team from BCU realised a terrific long form journalism piece on pensions

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